1.The displays connected to matrix can display the same inputs or different inputs at the same time, but the displays connected to switch splitter always display same picture from one of the inputs.
2.For the matrix, all the outputs can share same input or select standalone input; For the switch splitter, you can select different input sources, but all the outputs should always display same input source.
3. For matrix, different inputs can be connected to different outputs, it can route any inputs to any outputs. For switch splitter: when you select one input, all output will display same picture from selected input, at the same time you can select different inputs
4.The matrix can route any input sources to any output displays, the different displays can select different input sources. For the switch splitter, only one input source can be selected to be displayed on all the displays, all the displays always display same input sources.
5.The matrix can play any of the inputs to any of the outputs at the same time. The switch splitter select only one of the inputs to all the outputs at the same time, all the outputs display same picture.
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